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Why should YOU store at
Bippus Automobile Storage?

  • ​Reasonable rates.  Compare un-insulated self-storage unit prices and see! Condensation (moisture) on contents in Spring is common in these units.

  • No "teaser" deals!  Unlike the phone and cable companies who jack up your rate after a year, if you consistently store with Bippus Automobile Storage consecutively year after year, your rate NEVER goes up!

  • Concrete floors – no weeds growing up to rust the bottom of your car.

  • Climate controlled.  Low humidity: the secret of keeping a good car looking great!

  • Safe and secure. Never a security problem in the history of the company.

  • TLC:  Tender Loving Care by the owners. No one cares for your car better than someone who also loves cars!

  • Western Allen County residents only, free complimentary transportation to and from your home at the beginning and end of the storage season.

Our Rates


WINTER 6-month storage net price is $810, PREPAID AT TIME OF CAR CHECK-IN.  Price is based on a rate of $150/month, x6 months, less 10% ($90) discount from the $900 total.

Winter season is defined as November-April, plus/minus one month. Extended months pro-rated at the contracted rate.


Summer storage is available at a discounted flat rate of $130/month.


We don't want to have you disappointed by having to turn you away because all spaces have already been sold. Customers who contracted the PREVIOUS YEAR will have priority to reserve again, expiring on October 31. Remaining spaces will be offered to new customers in order of their date of inquiry. Cash deposits will trump inquiry dates. It cannot be emphasized strongly enough to contact us and inquire early in the year. Early reservations, secured by a $100 non-refundable deposit that will credit against your seasonal rate, will hold your space until Thanksgiving. After that time seasonal payment in full will hold your space for the duration of the winter.
Get your car into storage EARLY, before salt trucks hit the roads!

Checks can be made out to:

Bippus Automobile Storage Co.
c/o  Tom Hoczyk
12611 Carroll Ridge Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN  46818-8797

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